October 29, 2024

Fall Safety and Security Tips to Implement in Your Business 

A paved path in a park next to a lakeAs fall takes hold throughout much of the United States, your company should consider how the changing calendar may impact its risks and exposures. Maybe it’s time to implement these fall safety and security tips in your business.

Because, even in areas that experience relatively modest climate changes during the autumn months, reassessing risk management and loss control measures may be necessary.

What Should Businesses Consider About Fall Safety?

As the weather cools and the days shorten, decision-makers at your business should be mindful of possible improvements and implementations that may be necessary. Specifically, the following may be advisable steps:

  1. Check heating systems. Even in areas of the country that do not experience particularly frigid temperatures, fall and winter may require greater contributions from furnaces, vents and other parts of your building’s heating systems. Have these checked out during the fall to ensure you’re ready to keep your staff and workplace at a comfortable temperature throughout the winter.
  2. Adjust lighting. With days getting shorter, your business may need to depend more heavily on lighting. Be sure that areas like parking lots and stairwells remain well-lit to limit risks related to falls, accidents or crime.
  3. Consider adding security measures. While additional lighting can help ward off potential criminals, you may also want to take further steps. Investing in surveillance cameras and alarms or hiring security guards may be advisable in the fall, as criminals may be more likely to strike during these darker times of the year.
  4. Maintain outdoor areas. If your business is in an area where fallen leaves, frost and ice may accumulate, make sure to address these risks. Employees, guests and passersby could all slip and fall if the aforementioned hazards are not addressed, potentially leading to costly lawsuits. Additionally, be mindful of potentially problematic trees or tree branches that could potentially fall or break under the pressure of severe weather.
  5. Reassess insurance. Even if your business has taken appropriate precautions, incidents may still happen. Revisit your business insurance portfolio to ensure it adequately addresses fall-related risks and exposures.

Get the Right Coverage

Contact GEC Insurance Services today to learn more about keeping your business safe and how the right insurance coverage can help you respond to potential incidents.


This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

Categories: Blog

Tags: adjust lighting, cheack heating, consider adding security, fall safety, heating systems, maintain outdoor areas, reassess insurance, security measures, security tips

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